Price: $1,850.00 Size: H-75 x W-90 cm.
Yimudja (Rock Oysters) - BGFG0019
Bryella Garmanjan Farrell
Price: $3,995.00 Size: H-91 x W-151 cm.
Yingakiya (Hunting Magpie Geese in Season) - BGFG0011
Price: $3,995.00 Size: H-91 x W-119 cm.
Termite Mounds - DTYG0010
Dianne Tchumut
Price: $1,495.00 Size: H-61 x W-91 cm.
Ngatijirri Jukurrpa (Budgerigar Dreaming) - VNJWU2543/21ny
Verona Nungarrayi Jurrah
Price: $895.00 Size: H-61 x W-61 cm.
Ngatijirri Jukurrpa (Budgerigar Dreaming) - VNJWU2498/21ny
Price: $550.00 Size: H-46 x W-46 cm.
Wardapi Jukurrpa (Goanna Dreaming) - Yarripilangu - MENWU6992/23
Melissa Napangardi Williams
NOTICE: Copyright for artwork images on this website belongs to the artists or their estates. Artworks are displayed solely to aid potential purchasers in making their selection. Images may not be reproduced for any reason without express permission from the artist.