Price: $2,500.00Size: H-41 x W-120 cm.
Ancestors - Dry Season - SKIKOG0823
Price: $5,995.00Size: H-90 x W-180 cm.
Lightning - SKIG0957
Price: $3,995.00Size: H-61 x W-151 cm.
Lightning - SKIG0945
Price: $3,295.00Size: H-61 x W-89 cm.
Ancestors - First Rain Lake Eyre - SKIG0715
Price: $6,500.00Size: H-89 x W-120 cm.
Ancestors - Dry Season - SKIG0782
Price: $8,995.00Size: H-91 x W-151 cm.
Ancestors - Wet Season Lake Eyre - SKIG0697
Price: $9,500.00Size: H-121 x W-181 cm.
Lightning - SKIG0952
Price: $12,995.00Size: H-120 x W-180 cm.
Ancestors - Burn Off - SKIG0840
Price: $2,350.00Size: H-60 x W-92 cm.
Earth Elements - SKIG0956
Price: $2,250.00Size: H-60 x W-60 cm.
Ancestors - First Rain Lake Eyre - SKIG0770
Price: $5,995.00Size: H-120 x W-120 cm.
Lightning - SKIG0944
Ancestors - Dry Season - SKIG0821
Price: $6,500.00Size: H-90 x W-121 cm.
Gurindji Ancestors - SKIG0729
Ancestors - Wet Season Lake Eyre - SKIG0838
Price: $5,500.00Size: H-92 x W-151 cm.
Sandhills - SKIG0834
Price: $5,750.00Size: H-61 x W-150 cm.
Ancestors - Wet Season Lake Eyre - SKIG0743
Price: $3,995.00Size: H-60 x W-150 cm.
Language of the Earth - SKIG0803
Price: $6,500.00Size: H-91 x W-152 cm.
Language of the Earth - SKIG0947
Price: $4,995.00Size: H-90 x W-120 cm.
Earth Elements - SKIG0933
Price: $9,500.00Size: H-119 x W-182 cm.
Language of the Earth - SKIG0806
Price: $3,295.00Size: H-60 x W-90 cm.
Ancestors - First Rain - SKIG0701
Price: $1,495.00Size: H-61 x W-61 cm.
Lightning - SKIG0920
Price: $3,750.00Size: H-91 x W-90 cm.
Language of the Earth - SKIG0915
Price: $1,495.00Size: H-60 x W-60 cm.
Lightning - SKIG0796
NOTICE: Copyright for artwork images on this website belongs to the artists or their estates. Artworks are displayed solely to aid potential purchasers in making their selection. Images may not be reproduced for any reason without express permission from the artist.