Timmy Payungka Japangardi History and Collections


Selected Group Exhibitions:

2024 Racines, Galerie Arts d'Australie, Paris
2023 Tracing the Country - Living Landscapes from the Central and Western Deserts, Cooee Art, Sydney
2022 Irrititja Kuwarri Tjungu | Past & Present Together: 50 Years of Papunya Tula Artists, Part 2, Kluge-Ruhe Collection, University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA, USA
2021 Papunya Tula: 50 years 1971-2021, S.H. Erwin Gallery, Sydney
2011 Origins of Western Desert Art: Tjukurrtjanu , The Ian Potter Centre, National Gallery of Victory, Melbourne
2010 Desert Country, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
1999 Tjinytjlpa, Embassy of Australia, Washington, D.C.
1999 Indigenous Art of the Dreamtime, Aboriginal Galleries of Australia, Jinta Desert Art, Foyer of United Nations Building, New York
1996 Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs
1994 Power of the Land, Masterpieces of Aboriginal Art, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
1993 Tjukurrpa, Desert Dreamings, Aboriginal Art from Central Australia (1971-1993), Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
1992 Tjukurrpa, Museum fur Voelkerkunde, Basel
1991/92 Friendly Country, Friendly People, Touring Exhibition, through Araluen Art Centre, Alice Springs
1991 Canvas and Bark, South Australian Museum, Adelaide
1990 The Seventh National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
1990 L'Ete Australien a Montpellier, Musee Fabre Gallery, Montpellier, France
1989 The Sixth National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
1989 A Myriad of Dreaming: Twentieth Century Aboriginal Art, Westpac Gallery, Melbourne; Design Warehouse Sydney , through Lauraine Diggins Fine Art
1989 Papunya Tula: Contemporary Paintings from Australia's Western Desert, John Weber Gallery, New York
1988 Dreamings - The Art of Aboriginal Australia, The Asia Society Galleries, New York
1984 Papunya and Beyond, Araluen Art Centre, Alice Springs
1983 Mori Gallery, Sydney
1974 Anvil Art Gallery, Albury


  • Artbank, Sydney
  • Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
  • Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
  • Museum of Victoria, Melbourne
  • National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
  • South Australian Museum, Adelaide
  • The Holmes a Court Collection, Perth
  • Hank Ebes Collection, Melbourne
  • The Kelton Foundation, Santa Monica, USA
  • Jinta Desert Art Collection, Sydney
  • National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
  • Araluen Art Collection, Alice Springs